Log Entry: Site 96 Incident Report

A team of researchers from the Foundation were dispatched to investigate a anomalous event at Site 96. Upon deploying at the site, they observed a pattern of events that defied scientific explanation. Initial data suggest that a malfunction within the facility may be responsible for these irregular activities. The team has initiated containment pro

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Entry Denied: Site-96 Incident Log

Site-96. A zone of intense activity, shrouded in mystery. The incident log, strenuously guarded, details a series of events so abnormal that even the most experienced personnel were left unsettled. The log initiates with an entry dated March 15th, year unknown. It describes a unexpected surge in activity levels within the site, followed by a series

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Entry Report Site-96 Incursion

At 02:17 hours on July 12th, a minor incursion was observed at Site-96. The main breach occurred in the eastern perimeter, resulting in the escape of several uncontained subjects. Initial response teams were activated to containthe threat}. A limited lockdown was immediately implemented. The magnitude of the incursion remains unclear. Further inves

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Facility-96 Containment Breach Protocol Alpha-7

Upon triggering of Containment Breach Protocol Alpha-7 at Site-96:, all personnel are to immediately depart the sector. Entry into the affected area is strictly banned. A exclusion zone will be established at a minimum distance of 500 from the source of the breach. All units are to maintain on standby, ready to receive additional instructions from

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